Displaying 301 - 350 of 34878
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
240669 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29 to add Schedule 163, Climate Commitment Act, to increase total net revenues by $27.6 million, or 9.14 percent, effective November 15, 2024. A typical residential ratepayer with average monthly usage of 66 therms would see a bill increase of $8.52, or 8.4 percent. Known low-income ratepayers would receive a credit that fully offsets the bill increase.
240668 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Tariff revision to update the compactor commodity adjustment rate that was inadvertently left off the tariff revision under TG-240543. The adjustment will reduce recycling for Multi-Family customers by $3.21 a decrease from a charge of $1.17 to a increase credit of $2.04. The Company provides recycling services to customers in Spokane County.
240667 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas Petition for order that authorizes Change in Accounting Method with the IRS.
240666 Application for Funding Pending n/a Railroad Application for disbursement of funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund for the purchase of aerial drone, received from Marysville Police Department.
240665 Livewire Telecom LLC Registration Pending 09-18-2024 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
240664 Island Concrete LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-10-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff Investigation of Island Concrete LLC for an alleged violation of RCW 19.122.
240663 CWC Charters LLC Insurance Action Closed 09-04-2024 Motor Freight Carrier Cancel certificate for insufficient proof of insurance.
240662 San Juan Transit Tours & Charters, LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 09-19-2024 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff Investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC-480-30-071 Reporting Requirements; WAC 480-30-221 Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
240661 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29, Schedule 166, Insurance Expense Balancing Account for natural gas customers to reflect the higher level of expense incurred, and increasing revenues by $0.2 million, or 0.1 percent, for Washington natural gas customers effective November 15, 2024. If there were no other adjustments to rates effective November 15, 2024, a typical residential customer using 66 therms would see an increase of $0.08 per month, or approximately 0.1 percent.
240660 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 66, Insurance Expense Balancing Account, to reflect the higher level of expense incurred, and increasing overall electric revenue by $4.6 million, or 0.7 percent, effective November 1, 2024. A residential customer with average monthly usage of 945 kWhs would see a bill increase of $0.88 per month, or approximately 0.8 percent.
240659 Vedmed, Mark Insurance Action Closed 09-03-2024 Charter and Excursion Bus Cancel certificate for insufficient proof of insurance.
240658 Safe-To-Go-Movers, LLC Insurance Action Closed 09-03-2024 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for insufficient proof of insurance.
240657 John Frank LLC Insurance Action Closed 09-04-2024 Household Goods Carriers Cancel permit for insufficient proof of insurance.
240656 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Pending n/a Electric Introduces Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 64, Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP). This tariff includes incremental costs related to implementing Avista's CEIP. The tariff will increase monthly rates for the average residential customer by $0.39, or 0.4 percent.
240655 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2, Natural Gas Schedule 1, Tax Adjustment to incorporate the increased Washington Utility and Transportation Commission regulatory fee for certain utilities that became effective in RCW 80.24.010. A typical residential ratepayer using 64 therms per month would see a $0.01, or .01 percent, bill increase.
240654 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises WN U-28 Schedule 59, Residential and Small Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, to pass through to customers the benefits from the Residential Exchange Program. The Company is proposing an overall increase in Residential Exchange benefits of approximately $700,000 or 0.1 percent. The change in rate credit has no effect on Avista’s net income. A residential customer with average monthly usage of 945 kWhs would see a bill decrease of $0.24 per month, or approximately 0.2 percent.
240653 Petition for Declaratory Order Closed 11-21-2024 Electric Petition for an Order declaring that the Goldfinch Energy Storage LLC’s purchases of biodiesel from the Chevron – Renewable Energy Group’s Grays Harbor Facility, or similarly situated biodiesel producing facilities, qualifies as a “renewable resource” under RCW 19.405.020(33)(h) for use in electric power generation qualifying under RCW 19.405.040(1).
240652 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29, Schedule 192 to increase funding of its Low-Income Rate Assistance Program. The Company is requesting to increase revenues by about $6.8 million, or 2.3 percent. A typical residential customer using 66 therms per month will see a monthly bill increase of $2.69, or 2.7 percent.
240651 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 92, Low-Income Rate Assistance Program, to true-up and forecast costs for its low-income assistance program increasing the revenue requirement by $15.3 million, or 2.3 percent. A residential customer with average monthly usage of 945 kWh would see a bill increase of $2.58 per month, or approximately 2.4 percent.
240650 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29, Annual Purchased Gas Adjustment to: 1) pass through changes in the estimated cost of natural gas for the upcoming year (Schedule 150); and 2) revise the amortization rate(s) to refund or collect the balance of deferred natural gas commodity and demand costs (Schedule155). The Company is requesting an overall revenue decrease of $74.5 million, or 24.6 percent, effective November 15, 2024. The impact on a residential customer's monthly bill with an average consumption of 66 therms is a decrease of $24.33, or 24.1 percent.
240649 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 88, Wildfire Expense Balancing Account to reflect a surcharge increasing overall electric revenue by $1.4 million, or 0.2 percent, effective November 1, 2024. A residential customer with average monthly usage of 945 kWhs would see a bill increase of $0.23 per month, or approximately 0.2 percent.
240648 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Electric Schedule 81, Tax Adjustment to incorporate the increased Washington Utility and Transportation Commission regulatory fee for certain utilities that became effective in RCW 80.24.010. A typical residential ratepayer using 800 kWh per month would see a $0.01, or .01 percent, bill increase per month.
240647 Loyalty Moving LLC Insurance Action Pending 08-30-2024 Motor Freight Carrier Cancel permit for insufficient proof of insurance.
240646 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2, Schedule 129, to adjust funding for the Company's Low-Income programs. This is the Company's annual true-up of its costs for last year and forecast for next year. This filing decreases total revenue equirement by $10.707 million. A typical residential customer using 64 therms per month would see a decrease of $4.62, or 5.07 percent.
240645 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 129, to adjust funding for PSE's Low-Income programs. This is the Company's annual true-up of its costs for last year and forecast for next year. This filing increases total revenue requirement by $17.106 million. A typical residential customer using 800 kWh per month would see a decrease of $1.59, or 1.4 percent.
240644 Home Telephone Petition Closed 10-24-2024 Telecommunications Petition for designation as an Eligible Telecommunication Carrier in the state of Washington for the limited purpose of offering Lifeline service to qualified households in the Dallesport and Goldendale exchange service areas.
240643 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 551, Electric Vehicle Non-Residential Charging Products and Services removing the workplace and employee charging use-case limitations. This revision will enable non-residential electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) hosts in PSE’s service area to allow all authorized guests access to their EVSE equipment to charge electric vehicles.
240642 Adams County Plan Closed 10-10-2024 Solid Waste Commission’s comments on the cost impact of Adams County’s preliminary Comprehensive Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management Plan on customers served by regulated solid waste collection companies.
240640 A+ Transportation NW, Inc. Voluntary Cancellation Pending 08-29-2024 Charter and Excursion Bus Voluntary Permit Cancellation
240639 Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-10-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of TT & E, LLC for alleged violation of RCW 19.122
240638 Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-03-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of Mckinstry Stauffer & Yang Construction for alleged violation of RCW 19.122.
240637 Asap Movers LLC Permit Pending 09-27-2024 Household Goods Carriers New household goods permit application.
240636 Rich & Associates, LLC Permit Pending 09-27-2024 Household Goods Carriers New household goods permit application.
240635 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29 to remove Liberty Lake from Schedule 158 to reflect the city lowering its tax on gross revenue from the sale of natural or manufactured gas from 3 percent to 0 percent.
240634 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28 to remove Liberty Lake from Schedule 58 to reflect the city lowering its tax on gross revenue from the sale of electricity from 3 percent to 0 percent.
240633 Assessment (penalty) Closed 09-03-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of Strictly Sewer for alleged violation of RCW 19.122
240632 Assessment (penalty) Closed 08-28-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of Becker Blacktop LLC for alleged violation of RCW 19.122.
240631 Assessment (penalty) Formal 08-30-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff Investigation of May Valley Excavation for alleged violation of RCW 19.122.
240630 Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-06-2024 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into NW United Exteriors, Inc. d/b/a NW United brought by Northwest Natural Gas Company RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per WSDLSC referral.
240629 State of Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division Petition Closed 10-10-2024 Telecommunications Petition by the Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division, State 911 Coordinator's Office to set the 911 state excise tax rate for calendar year 2025.
240628 Yakima Waste Systems, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste General rate increase request that, as originally filed, would have generated approximately $965,000 (5.9 percent) additional annual revenue for the collection of garbage, recycling, and yard waste services. Commission staff and the Company have agreed to a lower revenue requirement amount of approximately $934,000 (5.7 percent). The Company provides regulated solid waste collection service to approximately 17,000 residential, 7,200 commercial, and 500 drop box customers in Yakima County. The Company’s last general rate increase became effective on October 1, 2023.
240627 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-3, Rule 20, Cascade Arrearage Relief and Energy Savings (CARES) Program, and Schedule 302, Cascade Arrearage Relief and Energy Savings Program Discount Rate. Revises CARES arrearage relief program from a once-annually, up to $1,000 benefit limit, to a twice annually, up to $500 total benefit limit. This filing also revises application of benefits between Federal energy assistance and the Company's bill discount program.
240626 Columbia River Disposal, Inc. Fuel Surcharge Tariff Pending 08-26-2024 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice to revise Tariff No. 20, for Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 19 in the amount of 0.45 percent. To be effective September 1, 2024, and expire on September 30, 2024. The Company provides regulated solid waste collection to approximately 2,300 residential and 350 commercial garbage customers in Klickitat County. The Company’s last general rate case became effective April 1, 2018.
240625 Northwest Natural Gas Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-3, Schedule J, to expand customer income eligibility criteria for the Gas Residential Energy Assistance Tariff program; adding 80 percent AMI, and expanding fixed income customers to a four-year term. This filing also clarifies the application of benefits between Federal energy assistance and the Company's Bill Discount program.
240624 Discount Sectionals LLC Permit Pending 11-19-2024 Household Goods Carriers New permit application.
240623 Busby Junk Removal, LLC Staff Investigation Closed n/a Solid Waste Staff investigation to determine if the Company is in violation of RCW 81.77.040 for advertising and offering solid waste services.
240622 Northwest Seattle Limos LLC Certificate Closed 08-30-2024 Charter and Excursion Bus New charter excursion application.
240620 Airus Movers LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 11-18-2024 Household Goods Carriers Staff Investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555; Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees and WAC-480-15-560; Equipment and Safety Requirements.
240619 Bainbridge Disposal, Inc Tariff Revision Closed 09-26-2024 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice of Tariff revisions for a $1.24 decrease (debit decrease from $3.54 to $2.30) per month for residential recycling customers and $1.94 decrease (debit decrease from $1.98 to $0.04) per month for multi-family recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 7,000 residential and 1,670 multi-family recycling customers in Bainbridge Island, in Kitsap County.
240618 Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-03-2024 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff Investigation of Miles Resources, LLC for alleged violations of RCW 19.122.