Displaying 2351 - 2400 of 34984
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
220673 Safe-To-Go-Movers, LLC Permit Pending 09-09-2022 Household Goods Carriers Reinstatement of HG066130
220672 Pullman Disposal Service, Inc Fuel Surcharge Tariff Closed n/a Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice to revise tariff 18, reflecting the addition of Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 4 in the amount of 1.34 percent to become effective September 16, 2022 and expire on September 30, 2022. The Company serves approximately 5,700 residential, commercial, and drop box customers in Whitman County.
220671 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, proposing a rate adjustment to increase the rebate related to Residential Exchange Program benefits the Company receives from the Bonneville Power Administration. The average residential customer using 914 kWhs per month will see a decrease of $0.08 per month, or approximately 0.1%.
220670 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29, Annual Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) to: 1) pass through changes in the estimated cost of natural gas for the forthcoming year (Schedule 150), and 2) revise the amortization rate(s) to refund or collect the balance of deferred natural gas commodity and demand costs (Schedule 155). The Company is requesting an overall revenue increase of $25.0 million, or 12.3 percent, effective November 1, 2022.
220669 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff No. WN U-28, to reflect an electric rate adjustment to surcharge customers the amount of Wildfire Expense above the base level amount.
220668 Washington State Department of Transportation; BNSF Railway Co. Petition Formal 03-09-2023 Railroad Petition to Construct Temporary Grade-Separated Highway-Rail Crossing at Interstate 90, Cle Elum (USDOT 980598G) from WSDOT.
220665 Union Pacific Railroad Company Petition for Exemption Closed 09-29-2022 Railroad Petition for Exemption from WAC 480-62-305(1).
220664 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-3 to move Cost Recovery Mechanism (CRM) investments to base rates and remove the components included in Schedule 597 that were accounted for in the general rate case, UG-210755. Results in an increase to base rates of $1,422,143 and a corresponding reduction to the CRM rates of $2,077,640 for a net reduction in annual revenues of $655,498. The change represents an overall decrease in revenue of $655,498 or 0.07 percent. An average residential customer using 54 therms per month will see a bill decrease of $0.13 per month or 0.21 percent.
220663 T-Mobile West LLC Petition Closed 10-27-2022 Telecommunications Petition for relinquishment of its Lifeline-Only Eligible Telecommunications Carrier designation.
220662 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Proposed tariff revisions reflecting an update in its authorized rate of return within its line extension allowances and policies consistent with its recent general rate case, Docket UG-210755. Additional proposed tariff revisions proposing the removal of the stated residential and commercial allowances included in Tariff WN U-3 and replaces it with a seven-year net present value formula prescribed within Docket U-210729. This change will help reduce the administrative burden and number of filings required as margin rates change in the future.
220661 Vedmed, Mark Certificate Closed 09-16-2022 Charter and Excursion Bus Reinstatement of CH062946
220660 Pellegrini, Robert J Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-13-2022 Solid Waste Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-70-201, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
220659 Tetris Moving Company LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 10-21-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation of company's safety rating and to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-530, Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance; WAC 480-15-550, Cargo Insurance; WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees; WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements; and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220658 Aquarius Utilities, LLC Petition Closed 09-15-2022 Water Petition for request to be removed from regulation and cancellation of the Company's tariff. The company was purchase by Cascadia Water on August 1, 2022.
220657 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2 for the Company’s natural gas service's annual low income compliance filing. This filing proposes a decrease in the total low income program natural gas revenue requirement of $452,232. The change in revenue requirement results in an average overall decrease to rates for natural gas customers of 0.04 percent. The typical Schedule 23 customer using 64 therms per month would experience a decrease of $0.03 per month or 0.04 percent.
220656 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60 for the Company’s annual low income compliance filing. This filing proposes an increase in the total electric low income program electric revenue requirement of $25,950,469. The change in revenue requirement results in an average overall increase to rates for electric customers of 1.14 percent. The typical Schedule 7 residential customer using 800 kilowatt hours per month would experience an increase of $1.06 per month or 1.22 percent.
220655 State of Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division Petition Closed 10-27-2022 Telecommunications Petition for 2023 911 State Excise Tax by the Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division, State 911 Coordinator's Office.
220654 Washington Eastern Railroad, LLC Petition Closed 02-10-2023 Railroad Petition from Washington Eastern Railroad to Modify Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Active Warning Devices at Spokane-Cheney Road, Cheney, (USDOT 066316U), and Requesting Disbursement of Funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund from Washington Eastern Railroad.
220653 Washington Eastern Railroad, LLC Petition Closed 10-27-2022 Railroad Petition from Washington Eastern Railroad to Modify Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Active Warning Devices at Betz Road, Cheney, (USDOT 066318H), and Requesting Disbursement of Funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund.
220652 Washington Water Service Company Contract Closed n/a Water Contract between Washington Water Service Company and customers for Phase 1 of constructing water system upgrades to provide commercial fire-flow service capable of 1,500 gallons per minute for 120 minutes to serve parcels 0221282036, 0221282009, and 022282044 on 14th Avenue NW.
220651 ASD Ventures Inc. Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-09-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees, and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220649 Peerless Network of Washington, LLC; Airus, Inc. Transfer of Property Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Indirect Transfer of Control of Peerless Network of Washington, LLC and Airus, Inc. in which Infobip Inc. acquired Peerless Holdings and its subsidiaries.
220648 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Proximity Request Closed 09-29-2022 Gas Pipeline Request to Commission approval to operate the proposed pipeline at a pressure of 400 psig within 100 feet of existing buildings or those that are under construction, pursuant to WAC 480-93-020.
220647 Pacific Quality Movers LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 10-12-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation of company's safety rating and to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees; WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements; and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220645 PacifiCorp Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Affiliated Interest Agreement between PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company and Mouser Electronics, Inc. (Mouser) reflecting PacifiCorp who will purchase a replacement microswitch from Mouser.
220643 Northwest Water Services, LLC Petition Closed 09-15-2022 Water Petition for request to be removed from regulation and cancellation of the Company's tariff. The Company was purchased by Cascadia Water, the Sale and Transfer was approved and Effective August 1, 2022.
220642 NWSBW, LLC; Northwestern Stage Lines, Inc. Application for Transfer Closed 10-18-2022 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Full Transfer of C-947 from Northwestern Stage Lines, Inc. to NWSBW, LLC.
220640 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas Pursuant to RCW 80.08.040, Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (Cascade or Applicant) intends to enter into an up to five-year revolving credit agreement in the amount of $100 million.
220638 Trilogy MedWaste West, LLC Tariff Revision Closed 09-29-2022 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request to make tariff revisions increasing a rate on Tariff No. 3, Item 30. The Company requests to correct the 51-100 gallons rate from $1.28 per gallon to $1.45 per gallon which is the rate it previously had prior to the Company's last filing a general rate case Docket TG-220437.
220636 PacifiCorp Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Affiliated interest agreement between WGR Operating, LP (WGR) and PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company reflecting contract encroachment agreements and AC (interference) mitigation studies (collectively, the Agreements) pertinent to its Gateway South Project.
220635 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Solid Waste 2021 Annual Affiliated Interest and Subsidiary Report.
220634 Toledo Telephone Co., Inc., The Petition Formal 12-08-2022 Telecommunications 2023 Petition to Receive Support from the State Universal Communications Services Program pursuant to WAC 480-123-130.
220633 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Staff Investigation Closed 10-27-2022 Natural Gas Application Regarding Certain Property Located in Aberdeen, Washington, request for authorization to sell the Company's Aberdeen office building and property pursuant to WAC 480-143-120.
220632 Moses Lake Senior Opportunity & Services Voluntary Cancellation Closed 08-23-2022 Non-profit Bus Voluntary Cancellation of Non-Profit Bus Certificate
220630 City of Spokane Assessment (penalty) Formal 01-06-2023 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into Northwest Fence RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per WSDLSC referral.
220629 PacifiCorp Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Affiliated interest transaction between PacifiCorp and U.S. Bank National Association (USB) to master professional services contract for corporate payment card services between Berkshire Hathaway Inc., PacifiCorp’s ultimate parent, and USB.
220626 Toledo Telephone Co., Inc., The Petition for Exemption Closed 09-29-2022 Telecommunications Petition for Exemption for WAC rule 480-123-110(5) regarding August 2 as the filing date for a petition for support from the Washington State Universal Communications Services Program fund.
220625 Central Washington Movers LLC Insurance Action Closed 08-22-2022 Household Goods Carriers HHG permit insurance cancellation
220624 Kent-Meridian Disposal Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Solid Waste Affiliated transaction report for Republic Services D.B.A Kent-Meridian Disposal pursuant to WAC480-70-079
220623 Ziply Wireless, LLC Registration Closed 09-12-2022 Telecommunications Petition for registration and competitive classification.
220622 Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-27-2022 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into Hero Greens Nursery & Landscaping, brought by Shannon McHenry RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per WSDLSC referral.
220621 Water of Bethel LLC Affiliated Interests Closed 10-13-2022 Water Affiliated Interest Agreement between the Company and Loncar Construction, LLC effective January 1, 2022. The agreement is for water system management and services provided by Loncar Construction, LLC.
220620 My Brothers Moving and Transportation LLC Permit Pending 02-10-2025 Household Goods Carriers New THG Permit Application
220619 Rubatino Refuse Removal LLC Tariff Revision Pending 08-25-2022 Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice of tariff revision for passthrough disposal fee increase by Cedar Grove Composting that became effective August 1, 2022. This per ton cost is Increasing from $70.85 to $75.41 or 6.4 percent. This Company serves approximately 28,000 residential customers in Snohomish County.
220618 Basin Disposal of Washington, LLC Fuel Surcharge Tariff Pending 08-25-2022 Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice to revise Tariff No. 14, reflecting the addition of Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 2 to become effective September 1, 2022, and expire on September 31, 2022. The Company serves approximately 5,120 regulated residential and commercial customers in Walla Walla County.
220617 Bainbridge Disposal, Inc Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Proposed revision to Tariff No. 17 for the annual commodity price adjustment calculations. The Company is requesting a $4.02 decrease (decrease from a debit of $3.82 to credit of $0.20) per month for residential recycling customers and a $0.28 decrease (decrease from a debit of $0.55 to a debit of $0.27) per month for multifamily recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 7,000 residential recycling customers and 1,670 multifamily recycling customers on Bainbridge Island, in King County.
220616 Davidsen Excavating, Inc. Assessment (penalty) Closed 09-08-2022 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of alleged violation of RCW 19.122.
220615 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Fuel Surcharge Tariff Pending 08-25-2022 Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice request to revise Tariff No. 14, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 1, in the amount of 3.02 percent, to become effective September 26, 2022, and expire November 30, 2022. The company serves approximately 19,000 garbage customers in Chelan, Douglas, Lincoln, and Okanogan Counties. The Company's last general rate increase became effective on March 1, 2019.
220614 Washington Water Service Company Transfer of Property Closed 12-22-2022 Water Application for the sale and transfer of assets of Stroh’s to Washington Water Service. Stroh’s serves 800 customers in Pierce County and Washington Water serves approximately 36,500 customers on multiple systems in western Washington.
220613 Rubatino Refuse Removal LLC Fuel Surcharge Tariff Pending 08-25-2022 Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice request to revise Tariff No. 9, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 2, in the amount of 0.5 percent, to become effective September 29, 2022, and expire November 30, 2022. The Company provides regulated solid waste collection and recycling service to approximately 28,000 residential customers in Snohomish County. The Company’s last general rate increase became effective on September 1, 2019.